Stay SAFE...Be Informed
Hazmat, Safety, Emergency, & Environmental Resources, Information, and Links
Click here for smartphone site
2016 ERG: Emergency Response Guidebook (pdf format)
WISER (Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders)
NPG: Niosh Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards
Environment, Health and Safety Online
CHEMM (Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management)
DGAC (Dangerous Goods Advisory Council)
Poison Help Hotline: 1-800-222-1222
National Response Center: 1-800-424-8802
If you have or know of a useful link to add to this site, please email to
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Disclaimer and Safety Precaution Statement: When working around or responding to chemical emergencies, please take extreme caution. This site is provided to provide supportive and supplimental information for hazmat trained personnel about hazardous materials. takes no responsibility in regards to use or misuse of information provided. Please verify the information is accurate and current by utilizing mutliple reputable sources including the chemical manufacturer and/or waste generator to ensure you are taking the safest precautions. Remember "If you don't know- Don't Go", call for assistance. Do not approach a potential or real hazmat release without verifying all of the hazards and taking all safety precautions. Be Safe.
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